Monday, February 1, 2010


Ugh…I’m missing that place, the place where my mom and her siblings grew up together. The sacred place where all the memories were we all once shared. It’s where my grandma’s ancestral house has stood proud. Once but not anymore…
As modernization took place, everything changed rapidly. Every little thing turned into something I’m not used to. Invaded by those tallest buildings and wide concrete roads from what seems to be alien to the natives of that place. No more trees and grasses and flowers and carabaos that once seen in that muddy road. The little nipa huts are nowhere to be found, replaced by mansions, two storey houses painted in pink, green, brown colors.
Though I don’t blame the people behind those changes because I know that all they want is the convenience those changes provide. And so do I.
But let me take you to the memories of my childhood days in that virgin place of my ancestors.
Back then, I used to play with my twin sister, Toni in that river which by that time the water is crystal clear. After our long hours of fun baths, we run with my grandma’s dog named Ringgo to what seems to be the longest rice fields of my uncle. And picking wild flowers and catching pretty butterflies in the virgin forest are far more fun. Afterwards, we take turns with the fishing nets in my uncle’s man made pond trying our luck to catch one.
During night time, my grandpa will take us to the backyard to let us watch the fireflies from that huge tree. It never fails to amaze me of that very scene that as if taken from a fairytale story where the tree seems to be the palace of million fairies. I always remember him say that those fireflies are symbols of how virgin that place is. He said that now that he is old, the duties of taking care of the place are now passed to us young’s of our generation.
I loved that place very much not because of the memories I have had there but because it is one of the best place I have been to. It will never be replaced by any city, even Manila where I and my family currently resides. Why? Simple, it’s like my childhood days, the place is fresh and worth remembering.

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