Friday, March 12, 2010

Shopping Religiously…amen....By: Nea Mirizma P.Gaspar

I am a veteran of church shopping trips, buying things for our parish places of worship. But a visit to Tayuman, in the northern suburbs of Manila, has to be the mother of them all. Tayuman is an otherwise non-descript place, except that Tayuman St. is filled with shops for religious objects of just about every description. Statutes predominate; from tiny wood-carved El Ninos to huge, life-size plaster statues of Our Lady in the most extraordinary gilt costumes. Books, brass fittings, vestments, and just about everything else in between round out the collection.

Religious items are very much a consumer durable in the Philippines. Even up-market malls such as Glorietta in Makati (where I am now) have their share of stalls and books dedicated to religious statues, amulets, medallions, and small devotional and religious books.

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