Saturday, March 20, 2010

by: marjorie medina

Every time that Tagaytay will be the location of our work on "wedding", I can't stop to heed an excitement deep inside.
Aside from it's cool place, I'll forget that I'm on the job.
It is the most pleasant city in Asia especially the people here will welcome you with their sweet smile and kindness!
I enjoyed everything including the company of my co- workers and our clients.
I didn't expect that I could come to a place like this.
I'm just an ordinary person and a student.
Before my only goal is to make my days simple as I was contented with everything.
But life would be more of surprise.
I can say that Filipino's should feel that our country has plenty of gifts that's why we should love and treasure it.

Like place that we can be more proud of.

A place like Tagaytay.

my co- workers

These are my favorite shots on my working field....

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