Saturday, March 20, 2010

Roxas City, a paradise from Panay

By: Nathaniel Silvano

Roxas City is the capital of Capiz in Panay Island. Aside from it is where former President Manuel Roxas was born, nothing's known about this city.

Roxas City is a medium-sized city. It has a 39.4sq mi land area where many tourist attractions can be found.

A cultural attraction can be visited from this city namely Ang Panublion or the Roxas City Museum which was built in 1910. It has a collection of religious icons, artifacts and artworks from Roxas City.

There are also caves located at the very heart of this city including Quipot Cave which consisted of many chambers that a huge as a hotel ballroom, Pilar Cave where corpse of pre-Spanish Filipinos were found, Suhot Cave which is a series of interconnected caverns, Suhotan Cave where you can see a stalagmite formation of a giant repose; and Igaang Maayon, a limestone cave.

There are also beaches present in the city namely Baybay Beach and Buntod Beach which are very nice spots to swim.

There are also churches in the city if you are religious-typed. They are Pan-ay Church and Dumalag Chruch which were built during Hispanic era.

Mussel Farm, a farm of dark greem mussels can also be found here.

Roxas City is nothing but full of gems that are waiting for the tourist to discover.

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